Obsolete EB Smith Club

10th anniversary book club photo list
Back row, left to right:
Nancy Spaeth '59
Mary Stapleton '79
Betsey Warrick '46
Jane Robinson '65
Lindy Hough '66
Beth Olson '02 
Sherrill Lavagnino '84
Cynthia Moran Go '92

Front row, left to right:
Kathryn Orsini '79
Jennie Abbott '95
Maggie Seely '58
Moina Noor '92
Ruth Ganong '46
Catherine Veramo '93
Hilary Bryan '89

List of books read by the club since 1994, in PDF format (requires Adobe Reader): https://ebsmithclub.tripod.com/EBSCBookClubReadingList.pdf

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